Microaggressions Matter

Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions. People talk as a form of communication to pass information to each other. Many do not think twice about some of the things that they say. In Simba Runyowa’s article “Microaggressions Matter” he states, “The impact of her words and actions mattered more than her intent.” Many individuals do not think things through thourly before they talk. In the instance with Simba, someone told him that their dog had the same name. Right after that was said Simba’s fellow student was immediately struck with embarrassment. I’m sure this person had no intent of poking fun at Simba but the way it was said made his intentions seem wrong. Communication is one key to success so if a person can not get the right words across then their actions will have to speak for them. How ever the way an individual chooses to communicate always has a certain intension that may not get the reaction they are looking for.